Thursday, October 11, 2012

Catholic and Christian: One Catholic's Journey in Young Life

I've had the great privilege of getting to know some extraordinary people in the mission of Young Life who are true bridge-builders.  Their ecumenical spirit shines through in a world rife with discord and division.  Today I'm happy to introduce a friend whose life and story embodies the vision of Jesus for the church - "that they may be one".  Marisa Avramovich is Catholic and on Young Life staff in Pasadena, CA.  I think you'll appreciate her story. . .

Growing up, I attended Mass faithfully with my family. The drive to church was always a quiet one, as my parents didn’t let us listen to the radio. We were preparing ourselves for the Sacrament. It’s a practice that I still enjoy today on our drives to church. I was enrolled in Religious Education classes and I was confirmed in 10th grade.  One of my best memories about my experience of faith as a child and young adult was the sense of community I grew up in.  Our church was an inter-generational experience—children, youth, college students, parents, grandparents, all coming together to worship.

 My parents were active members of the Church and they were heavily involved with Young Life in Riverside, CA.  My first memory of hearing about Young Life was as a child. My mom was taking some of my cousins, and I couldn’t go! Once I was old enough, I got to experience Wyldlife, Young Life clubs and camping. The summer between my junior and senior year, I served on work crew at Trail West in Colorado. The experience of serving others changed my life.  The connection of what I understood faith to be in my head from my catechism & experiences growing up, and how to live it out clicked. My faith was compelling me to do something bigger than myself—to live my life in service to others.

In college my Catholic faith was challenged and questioned for the first time.  When I told new friends that I was Catholic, I was met with, “Oh, so you’re not saved” or “So, you’re not Christian?” I didn’t understand why people were questioning if I was a Christian - I loved Jesus and loved going to church. I felt hurt, misunderstood and had more than a handful of tearful conversations with my parents. These encounters led me to learn more about Catholic theology & doctrine so that when I heard those responses, I could engage from an informed place. The more I learned, the more I wanted to correct the misinformation that was out there about the Catholic faith.

Today, I am on staff with Young Life in Pasadena, CA.  I’m still a practicing Catholic and I’m married to an amazing man who happens to be Protestant (and the Area Director!). We have an ecumenical marriage and we strive to live that out in our ministry. I’ve also had the great privilege of speaking to the Latino Student Staff about bridging the gap between Protestant & Catholics in Young Life.

At the end of the day, we all want young people to hear about Jesus. My hope is that we can focus on what unites us in the goal! Both the Protestant and Catholic community can work together to fulfill the great vision of Young Life - every kid, everywhere, for eternity. My life is just one example of how both communities can work together.

My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ.” ~Colossians 2:2
Marisa, Dave and their newborn baby Katie


  1. God bless Marisa, Dave and baby Katie!
    Fabtastic to see you and our family Marisa.
    Keep the faith.

  2. Amazing Testimony! I have shared this story and this blog with out community to build bridges and affirm both Catholicism and Young Life. Praise the Lord for this Site!

  3. May the Holy Spirit continue to work toward making us one. Thnk you for your story and the blog


Thanks so much for your input. I pray that this dialogue may be a blessing to you personally and to the ministry you exercise in Christ.
